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Prashant Tamang

September 15, 2007

So I am currently in Darjeeling, a former British Raj Hill Station in West Bengal India–and the stronghold of Prashant Mania. I have never ever watched a single episode of American Idol, but here where Indian Idol involves literally billions of people and two countries I participate in impromptu rallies, parades, support concerts and Prashant Roadblocks. Actually I can hear a Prashant rallie coming near my internet cafe right now..

Prashant is one of the final two contestants on Indian Idol and he is from Darjeeling. Darjeeling and most of West Bengal is nepali-speaking and Prashant is a Tamang which essentially makes him Nepali–so nepalis and west bengalis alike are going crazy. India is seen as this huge imperial country by Nepal, who just recently had their petrol flow cut off from India (granted the Nepali gas company owes India 16billion rupees..), and so people are feverish for a ‘nepali’ to win Indian Idol. its honestly hard to get across how insane it is here. I arrived in Bhadrapur (Nepal) and then jeeped over the indian border where the landscape looks straight out of The Jungle Book and monsoon rains thundered down. Then we began to ascend into the misty mountains of darjeeling, its really magical because they are so high you are above the clouds. Then Prashant came into our lives. There was a human roadblock asking for donations (you vote for prashant by sending text messages). We also learned 100’s of thousands of nepalis cross the border during the voting period to buy indian cell phones. Also America’s Millionaire Nepali (apparently there is only one) sends over $40,000 each time for Prashant votes.

We have of course been warmly embraced into Prashant Mania. All the road in Darjeeling closed yesterday as every single school child marched in the streets singing “We Want Pra-shant! Vote For Pra-Shant”. This may seem really stupid but it is wholly unlike anything we have in the states. Every single wall here is covered in signs that say “Prashant The Pacific, Prashant the Pacifier, Prashant the Constant Soldier”. Indian tv calls him the Hillbilly Soldier from West Bengal but here he is worshipped. The Best sign ive seen read said:

“Les Us Encash Our Joyous Consciousness by SMS Prashant to 52525!!!”

I love it here. People are warm and welcoming and its such an insane experience being at the heart of a two-nation-wide phenomenon. If Prashant wins (the winner is announced next sunday!!!) the 10million Nepali speakers in India will feel like they DO matter here and Nepalis in Nepal will feel that Nepal is just as important as India…its pretty intense

6 Comments leave one →
  1. Willow permalink
    September 15, 2007 10:09 pm

    WOW, I hadn’t been on in a while, and I’ve missed so much! I love your writing, and it feels like you’re getting keener with your observations and putting it into words in ways that are all you. It will be neat once you’re working on your project because you can write in the blog about what you’re thinking about and get raw material for the project later.

    I like the second topic myself. Went to an experimental art show the other night that was about the experience of being on the outside and having a loved one on the inside (i.e., in prison) in CA. Supporting art and experiencing art is so incredibly important.

    Keep writing!

  2. Teresa Trout permalink
    September 15, 2007 11:26 pm

    Ah, my dear! So good to hear that you’re in Nepal. I can’t believe the craziest of their version of American Idol, but the energy sounds amazing. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!!

    Yours truly,

    The traveling envious Teresa

  3. rajan permalink
    September 19, 2007 4:05 pm

    एउटा नेपाली ‘ठिटा’ लाई विजयी बनाऔSubmitted by rajan .As published in; posted by Rajan KUmar kharel

    प्रशान्त तामाङ अहिले चर्चाको नाम हो। उनी कसरी यस स्थितिमा आइपुगे भन्ने ब्याख्याको कुनै आवश्यकता पर्दैन तर अब के गर्ने भन्ने भने आवश्यकताको विषय हो।

    प्रशान्त भारतीय नागरिक भएका कारण उनले इन्डियन आइडलको उपाधि हात पार्नु नपार्नु नेपालीको चासोको विषय होइन भन्ने तर्क अघि सार्ने एक छोटे विद्वानले अमेरिकन आइडलमा बंगाली मूलका सञ्जयलाई बंगालीले गरेको समर्थनलाई जोडेका छन्। टाइटलबाटै प्रष्ट छ इन्डियन आइडल भनेको इन्डियन नागरिकका लागि हो। अमेरिकन आइडल भनेको अमेरिकन नागरिक कै लागि हो र यदि नेपाली आइडल सुरु भए नेपाली नागरिक कै लागि हुनेछ। यो कार्यक्रम ‘कपी’ भन्ने पनि भनाई छ तर भनाई राख्नुअघि कार्यक्रमको ‘कपिराइटस्’ सम्बन्धी ज्ञानको प्रयोग गर्नु राम्रो होला। इन्डियन आइडल सबैभन्दा पहिला युकेमा सुरु भएको पप आइडलबाट प्रभावित भई विश्वभर सुरु भएका विभिन्न आइडल कार्यक्रमहरु झैँ बनाइएको हो। सोनी टिभीले आइडल सिरिजका निर्माता फ्रिमान्टल मिडियाबाट कपिराइट्स खरिद गरी चलाएको कार्यक्रम हो।

    जहाँसम्म अमेरिकन आइडलमा सञ्जयको समर्थन बंगालीले गरे भन्ने छ त्यसबेला हामीले पनि त्यस परिस्थितिमा दक्षिण एशियाको पक्षमा उभिएको भए बेसै मान्नु पर्ने थियो। यद्यपि दक्षिण एसियाका सबैको चासो भने सञ्जयप्रति थियो नै। समय र परिस्थितिमा कुन समयमा कति परिधिमा रहने भन्ने हेक्का हामीले राख्नु पर्ने हुन्छ। त्यस बेला हामी देशभन्दा बाहिर क्षेत्रीय सीमाको परिधिसम्म पुग्न सक्ने थियौं।

    हाम्रा सेलिब्रेटीले के गरे, के गरेनन् त्यो विवादको विषय प्रशान्त तामाङ्ग होइनन्। उदितनारायण झा र मनिषा कोइरालाले नेपाललाई कस्तो सहयोग, असहयोग गरे त्यसको लेखाजोखा गरेर प्रशान्त तामाङ्गलाई सहयोग गर्ने कि नगर्ने भन्ने निर्णय गर्ने पनि बेला होइन यो। प्रशान्त नेपाली मूलको भारतीय नागरिक हो। त्यसैले उ ‘इन्डियन आइडल’को प्रतिस्पर्धामा उत्रिएको छ। प्रशान्त भारतीय नागरिक हो, त्यसैले भारतीय पुलिसमा कार्यरत छ। प्रशान्त तामाङ्ग भारतीय नागरिक भएकै कारण दार्जिलिङमा बस्छ। ढोल ठोकेर भने पनि चुपचाप बसे पनि सबैलाई थाहा छ, उ नेपाली नागरिकता बोकेको मान्छे होइन। अनि आम नेपाली मूलका मानिसलाई यो पनि थाहा छ प्रशान्तले ‘इन्डियन आइडल’को टाइटल जित्नुपर्छ र त्यस जीतका लागि आ-आफ्नो ठाउँबाट सहयोग गर्नुपर्छ, उसमाथि विषवमन गरेर कसैलाई फाइदा छैन।

    प्रवासी नेपालीले नेपाल र नेपालीलाई पुर्‍याएको सहयोग बारे चर्चा गर्दा नेपाली साहित्यको स्थान महत्वपूर्ण हुन आउँछ। प्रवासी नेपालीका रचनाको स्वाद मज्जासँग लिनेले प्रवासी नेपालीलाई नेपाली भन्न सक्नुपर्छ। भारतीय चलचित्रमा ‘डेनी’ हेरेर गर्व गर्नेले प्रशान्त तामाङ्गलाई सहयोग गर्न सक्नुपर्छ। शाहरुख खानकी श्रीमती गौरी नेपाली मूलकी भएको चर्चा गर्नेहरुले पनि प्रशान्तको सफलतामा सहयोग गर्नुपर्ने हुन्छ। देशभित्रका मात्र नेपाली हुन् भन्ने संकीर्णताको घेरामा घेरिएका दरिद्र मानसिकता भएका बाहेक सम्पूर्ण नेपाली मूलका मानिसले प्रशान्तलाई भावनात्मक रुपमा नेपाली नै मान्ने छन्, कानुनी रुपमा उ सीमापारी भए पनि।

    यसै सन्दर्भमा भारतीय मूलका अमेरिकनको स्थितिलाई लिन सकिन्छ। अमेरिकाको साना तथा मझौला व्यापार व्यवसायमा वर्चश्व कायम गर्न सफल भारतीय मूलका अमेरिकन भारतलाई औधि माया गर्छन। उनीहरु भारत र भारतीयलाई सहयोग गर्छन् र गरिरहेकै छन्। नागरिकका हैसियतले यिनीहरु अमेरिकन हुन् तर आत्मीयताको हिसाबले भारतलाई आफ्नो ठान्छन्। पाकिस्तानी, बंगाली र अरुहरुको पनि स्थिति त्यही छ। सानो संख्यामा भएका भए पनि नेपालीहरुको पनि ‘हामी नेपाली हाम्रो नेपाल’ भन्ने नै भावना छ। नेपालमा दमन हुँदा वासिङ्गटनमा नेपालीको चित्त दुखेको थियो। त्यसैले नेपालीहरुले अमेरिकाका विभिन्न शहरवाट खबरदारी गरे। भारतका शहरमा नेपाली जर्मुराए र ‘खबरदार’ भने। विश्वभरी छरिएका नेपालीले स्वरमा स्वर मिलाए। सहयोग जुटाए। नेपाली मरेका छैनन्, जहाँ भए पनि जिउँदै छन्। त्यो भारतमा होस् या अमेरिका, जापान अथवा जर्मनी या अरु कुनै देश। समय र परिस्थितिले कोही सीमा बाहिर छन् कोही सीमाभित्र। भित्र भएकाले बाहिर रहेकालाई सहयोग पुर्‍याउनु पर्छ भने बाहिर रहेकाको सहयोग सीमा भित्रका लागि हुनु पर्छ। यसो भइ पनि रहेको छ। थिम्पुमा बुट बज्रँदा काठमाडौँ रोएको थियो, मेचीले अंगालो मारिदियो। लाखौंको संख्यामा नेपाली मूलका भुटानी अंगालोमा आइपुगे। यही हाम्रो भावना हो, यही हाम्रो निरन्तरता हो। भुटान, वर्मा र आसामलाई साक्षी राखेर हामी भन्न सक्छौँ जहाँ भए पनि हामी नेपाली हौँ, नेपाल हाम्रो हो।

    प्रशान्त तामाङ्गको सन्दर्भमा उनलाई हामी केही ठूलो सहयोग गर्न सक्दैनौँ। सीमा छेउबाट नेपाली समूदायले भारत गई ‘एसएमएस’ गरिरहनु भएको छ यसलाई अझ व्यापक गर्नु पर्छ। भारतमा रहेका कोही नेपाली ‘एसएमएस’ गर्न नछुटनुस्। आ-आफ्ना साथीभाइ, छरछिमेकीलाई पनि सहमत गराउनुस। ‘एस एम एस’ गर्न मिल्ने अन्य मुलुक जस्तै युएई, बहराइन, अ‍ोमान, साउदी अरेबिया, कुबेत, कतार र बेलायतका नेपाली साथीहरु समयलाई मध्यनजर राख्नुहोस्। एउटा नेपाली ‘ठिटा’ लाई विजेता बनाऔं। हामी नेपाली नेपालीका लागि हुनुपर्छ। सहयोग पुर्‍याउन प्राज्ञिक गुड्डीको जरुरत छैन, नेपाली मन चाहिन्छ।

  4. Devendra Aryal permalink
    September 20, 2007 11:42 am

    hello daju,
    how r u? i read ur message and liked it very much. thanks ! alot.

    bye now,
    devendra aryal
    kathmandu, nepal,

  5. pawankhanal permalink
    September 20, 2007 8:22 pm

    The following are the donation from the abord nepali for sms funding, to prashant tamang the next indian idol
    let’s cheers!!!!

    1 9/14/2007 sonam lama elmhurst USA 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    2 9/14/2007 Nirab Manandhar Kirksville USA 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    3 9/14/2007 Bikram Kumai Tempe USA 30.00 (1.17) 28.83
    4 9/14/2007 Numa Fudong London UK 50.00 (2.25) 47.75
    5 9/14/2007 Salana Adhikari Fargo USA 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    6 9/14/2007 Kamala Gurung Minneapolis USA 50.00 (2.25) 47.75
    7 9/14/2007 Posraj Bhujel Chattanooga USA 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    8 9/14/2007 Amrit Rai Copenhagen USA 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    9 9/14/2007 swarnim ranjitkar hayward USA 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    10 9/15/2007 Ghanashyam Neupane Northport USA 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    11 9/15/2007 Milan Bista Arlington USA 150.00 (4.65) 145.35
    12 9/15/2007 Samir Gyawali Long Beach USA 3.00 (0.39) 2.61
    13 9/15/2007 Birendra Adhikari Simi Valley USA 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    14 9/15/2007 Ashish Bhandari Falls Church USA 8.00 (0.53) 7.47
    15 9/15/2007 Om Devkota Natchitoches USA 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    16 9/15/2007 kripa hada Spartanburg USA 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    17 9/15/2007 bishakha shrestha new hope USA 16.20 (0.77) 15.43
    18 9/15/2007 Kaushal Shrestha Worcester USA 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    19 9/15/2007 Madan Baral Prior Lake USA 21.00 (0.91) 20.09
    20 9/15/2007 sumnima limbu warrenville USA 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    21 9/15/2007 bishwas chamling bonn Germany 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    22 9/15/2007 Birendra Shrestha Euless USA 50.00 (1.75) 48.25
    23 9/15/2007 ambika pradhan hayward USA 30.00 (1.17) 28.83
    24 9/15/2007 rajib shrestha troy USA 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    25 9/15/2007 Rosha Shrestha Wales Australia 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    26 9/15/2007 bhupendra mahat boulder United States 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    27 9/15/2007 Samriddhi Karki Brunswick West Australia 15.00 (0.89) 14.11
    28 9/15/2007 Elina Shrestha South Hadley United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    29 9/15/2007 Susil Rayamajhi San Carlos United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    30 9/16/2007 Binod Basnet Bonita Springs United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    31 9/16/2007 Roshan Shrestha Laurel United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    32 9/16/2007 Prakriti Thapa Magar MN United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    33 9/16/2007 Aalok Sharma AZ United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    34 9/16/2007 Samjhana Karki NY United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    35 9/16/2007 Rubi Baral SC United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    36 9/16/2007 Prachanda Adhikari MA United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    37 9/16/2007 Ghanashyam Pokharel TX United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    38 9/16/2007 suni pandey PA United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    39 9/16/2007 Sandesh Acharya Ontario Canada 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    40 9/16/2007 Mira Yonjan VA United States 17.00 (0.79) 16.21
    41 9/16/2007 Binaya Shrestha CA United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    42 9/16/2007 hari bohara OK United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    43 9/16/2007 Bishwash Hamal Pirkanamaa Finland 10.00 (0.69) 9.31
    44 9/16/2007 Prabesh Pokhrel LA United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    45 9/16/2007 Bigyan Shrestha VA United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    46 9/16/2007 Suresh Joshee Alberta Canada 30.00 (1.47) 28.53
    47 9/16/2007 Himal Kafle WI United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    48 9/16/2007 smriti shrestha CO United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    49 9/16/2007 Kiran Tuladhar CA United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    50 9/16/2007 Prajesh Acharya CA United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    51 9/16/2007 liza shrestha west lafayette United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    52 9/16/2007 Krishna Sharma Detroit United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    53 9/16/2007 JagadishNReena Kaphle Iowa United States 51.00 (1.78) 49.22
    54 9/16/2007 Bhesh Ghimire Iowa United States 11.00 (0.62) 10.38
    55 9/16/2007 Ashok Neupane highlands ranch United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97 $993.25 Transferred to Darjeeling on 9-17-2007
    56 9/16/2007 Barsha Bista Annandale United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    57 9/16/2007 Bikash Gurung Hooksett United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    58 9/16/2007 Laxman Thapa Houston United States 11.00 (0.62) 10.38
    59 9/16/2007 Jiba Acharya Baton Rouge United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    60 9/16/2007 saroj maharjan Minneapolis United States 11.00 (0.62) 10.38
    61 9/16/2007 Sudha Pande Folsom United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    62 9/16/2007 Suresh Basnet Ventura United States 11.00 (0.62) 10.38
    63 9/16/2007 Avishesh Dhakal Moscow United States 1.00 – 1.00
    64 9/16/2007 Avishesh Dhakal Moscow United States 1.00 – 1.00
    65 9/16/2007 Prasanna Man Shrestha Edmonton Canada 30.00 (1.47) 28.53
    66 9/17/2007 Bishal Pradhanang Syracuse United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    67 9/17/2007 Anup Khadka Durham United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    68 9/17/2007 Shakya Rojina falls church United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    69 9/17/2007 Nishana Gauchan gaithersburg United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    70 9/17/2007 Narayan Timilshina London United Kingdom 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    71 9/17/2007 Kanchan Pandey Bridgeport United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    72 9/17/2007 Ratna Shrestha Richmond Canada 40.00 (1.86) 38.14
    73 9/17/2007 Pragya Upadhyaya lake forest United States 9.00 (0.56) 8.44
    74 9/17/2007 abhaya sharma Sunnyvale United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    75 9/17/2007 saraswati hamal Omaha United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    76 9/17/2007 MANITA YOGI poway United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    77 9/17/2007 Kamal Bhusal Brooklyn United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    78 9/17/2007 bidurji shrestha denver United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    79 9/17/2007 Jay Ram Poudel Sharma North Finchley United Kingdom 5.00 (0.50) 4.50
    80 9/17/2007 Shreyas Pandey Woodbridge United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    81 9/17/2007 Arun Shrestha Fairfax United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    82 9/17/2007 sanjaya pradhan Boulder United States 11.00 (0.62) 10.38
    83 9/17/2007 Resham tamang San Francisco United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    84 9/17/2007 Surya Ghimire Cincinnati United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    85 9/17/2007 kripa hada Spartanburg United States 1.00 (0.33) 0.67
    86 9/17/2007 Umesh Ghimire Vancouver Canada 10.00 (0.69) 9.31
    87 9/17/2007 Binod Dhungel River Forest United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    88 9/17/2007 Sagar Karki Richardson United States 15.01 (0.74) 14.27
    89 9/17/2007 Mansha Thapa San Francisco United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    90 9/17/2007 Nisha Thapa San Francisco United States 30.00 (1.17) 28.83
    91 9/17/2007 Kiran Shrestha Birmingham United States 40.00 (1.46) 38.54
    92 9/17/2007 Nanda Pun Magar winchester United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    93 9/17/2007 Santosh Thapa Irving United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    94 9/17/2007 Lima Acharya Fort Worth United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    95 9/17/2007 sushmita khadka birmingham United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    96 9/17/2007 Anamika Uprety Cumberland United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    97 9/17/2007 Govinda Pandey Townsville Queensland Australia 25.00 (1.03) 23.97 $580.23 Transferred to Darjeeling on 9-18-2007
    98 9/17/2007 Madhav Nepal Vancouver Canada 5.00 (0.50) 4.50
    99 9/17/2007 Chhetra Thapa Houston United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    100 9/17/2007 Krishna Shakya Baton Rouge United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    101 9/18/2007 Aaliyah Rizwan Edmonton Canada 75.00 (3.23) 71.77
    102 9/18/2007 pratigya Upadhyaya Edwardsville United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    103 9/18/2007 sunil gurung plymouth United States 20.00 – 20.00
    104 9/18/2007 Amrish Karmacharya Denver United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    105 9/18/2007 Roger Dibya Nepal dallas United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    106 9/18/2007 Biraspati Pun Hong Kong Hong Kong 200.00 (8.10) 191.90
    107 9/18/2007 Samir Baraily Salt Lake City United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    108 9/18/2007 Birat Malla Alexandria United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    109 9/18/2007 Priti Sijapati Troy United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    110 9/18/2007 Arun Adhikari Baton Rouge United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    111 9/18/2007 dheeraj thapa antwerpen Belgium 45.00 (2.06) 42.94
    112 9/18/2007 Shriti Thapa San Francisco United States 15.00 (0.74) 14.26
    113 9/18/2007 Rajesh Shrestha Uxbridge United Kingdom 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    114 9/18/2007 Nita Ghising San Francisco United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    115 9/18/2007 aadhar kham winchester United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    116 9/18/2007 Hit Lama winchester United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    117 9/18/2007 Rabindra Thapa winchester United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    118 9/18/2007 tsering DOLKAR WOODHAVEN United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    119 9/18/2007 Sangroula Prasanna fairfax United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    120 9/18/2007 Prasai Garima,Kamala, Anupama, Jaya Fairfax United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    121 9/18/2007 anup shrestha euless United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    122 9/18/2007 Amar Singh Cleveland United States 140.00 (4.36) 135.64
    123 9/18/2007 kamana manandha Irving United States 5.00 (0.50) 4.50
    124 9/18/2007 aitaram tamang Nagano Japan 100.00 (4.20) 95.80
    125 9/18/2007 Rajendra Magar Hanover United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    126 9/18/2007 Rajeev Chandra Thasineku El Cerrito United States 11.00 (0.62) 10.38
    127 9/19/2007 Upendra Puri Tucson United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    128 9/19/2007 Narayan Sapkota Northolt United Kingdom 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    129 9/19/2007 subit gurung yaumatei Hong Kong 15.00 (0.89) 14.11
    130 9/19/2007 Manoj Niraula Fort Worth United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    131 9/19/2007 Shesh Raj Acharya Dublin-1, Ireland. Ireland 15.00 (0.89) 14.11
    132 9/19/2007 Kripa Joshi Orono United States 7.00 (0.50) 6.50
    133 9/19/2007 rupa gurung lexington United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55
    134 9/19/2007 Jhalak Kumari Pun Hong Kong Hong Kong 10.00 (0.69) 9.31
    135 9/19/2007 Joshua Spiers Union United States 2.00 (0.36) 1.64
    136 9/19/2007 Jacqueline Thapa Pun Hong Kong Hong Kong 12.00 (0.77) 11.23
    137 9/19/2007 Umesh Kc providence United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    138 9/19/2007 Biraspati Pun Hong Kong Hong Kong 630.00 (24.87) 605.13
    139 9/19/2007 birendra shrestha camarillo United States 10.00 (0.59) 9.41
    140 9/19/2007 Atul Jung Bahadur Singh wembley United Kingdom 20.00 (1.08) 18.92
    141 9/19/2007 suraj shrestha omaha United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    142 9/19/2007 ramesh marahatta BROOKLYN United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    143 9/19/2007 Basanti Moktan Elmhurst Nepal 50.00 (2.25) 47.75
    144 9/19/2007 BIPIN KUMAR KAPHLE FREDERIKSBERG C Denmark 10.00 (0.69) 9.31
    145 9/19/2007 Ram Pokhrel Porter Ranch United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    146 9/19/2007 Anil, Anupama Shahi Forest Hills United States 20.00 (0.88) 19.12
    147 9/19/2007 Bikrant Neupane Brookings United States 10.00 (0.69) 9.31
    148 9/19/2007 Nirmal Jha Fremont United States 15.00 (0.89) 14.11
    149 9/19/2007 Prajesh Acharya Ventura United States 25.00 (1.03) 23.97
    150 9/19/2007 Prachanda Khadka Dallas United States 5.00 (0.45) 4.55 1,794.87 Transferred to Darjeeling on 9-20-2007

  6. June 26, 2013 7:47 pm

    I love to share understanding that I’ve accumulated with the yr to help enhance team functionality.

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